Use these checklists to stay on track with important deliverables and due dates during each work term. It’s very important that you regularly review the checklist, to make sure you’ve completed the required tasks and are meeting the program requirements. Summer work terms are generally from May to August. Fall work terms are generally from September to December. Winter work terms are generally from January to April.
1. Co-op Course Registration
You will be registered for you co-op work term course by the Co-op Office once you have secured your work term. Registration occurs throughout the term. NOTE: Registration into the co-op course will trigger new student fees to be calculated and assessed. If you have any questions regarding your fees, please contact your Enrolment Services Advisors (Vancouver students) or Student Services (Okanagan students).The co-op course fee is paid for each 4-month work term; information about this fee can be found in the UBC Calendar. As with any other UBC course, the Co-op course fee payment may be made at a bank or directly to the Registrar’s Office through the SSC.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: All Co-op students studying in Canada on a study permit must ensure they have a valid Co-op Work Permit and current Social Insurance Number (SIN) before the first day of employment. If you have questions about your co-op work permit or the Social Insurance Number (SIN), review the UBC International Student Guide and contact UBC International Advising (Vancouver | Okanagan) for more information. Ensure you take your current co-op work permit and SIN to your employer for their records and payroll processing on your first day of work.
2. Success in the Workplace Toolkit & Quiz
To measure and increase your preparedness for the workplace, all first work term co-op students must complete the Success in the Workplace Quiz located on Canvas. The scenarios presented in the quiz are based on situations commonly faced by co-op students in the workplace. To access the quiz, you must self-enroll in Canvas course.
Before taking the quiz, we strongly recommend that you read the Success in the Workplace Toolkit, which is located on the resources tab of PD Portal. This toolkit has been designed to help you prepare for your first (and last) day of work as well as to provide an overview of common workplace expectations, and a framework to assist you in developing effective strategies to navigate the workplace.
Due: BEFORE your first day of work
3. Submit Work Term Waiver
Complete your domestic or international waiver in PD Portal. The form can be found under ‘View Related Forms’ on your current work term.
Due: BEFORE your first day of work
4. Update Work Term Contact Information
Update your Work Term contact information and supervisor’s email address by logging into your PD Portal profile and editing your Work Term Information.
Due: Update contact information in PD Portal 2 weeks after your start date
5. Meet with Your Supervisor
Within the first week of employment, request a meeting with your work supervisor to accomplish the following four items:
- Review your work term parameters and responsibilities.
- Review and discuss your Learning Objectives.
- If you are on your third work term, inform your supervisor that you have to complete a Work Term Assignment based on a project or problem that you, your department or company will be working on, and that you may require suggestions for possible topics.
- Advise your supervisor that they must complete the online end of term employer evaluation of student performance (an email with links and details will be sent to your supervisor during the last month of your work term) in order for you to successfully complete the work term.
It is your responsibility to schedule a meeting with your supervisor during your first two weeks of employment.
6. Learning Objectives
Career success is a self-managed process - you are in charge! Review the “Learning Objectives Toolkit” on PD Portal for steps and advice on writing your Learning Objectives.
Write and submit your Learning Objectives via the Learning Objectives question prompts in PD Portal: Click Co-op -> View Related Forms (found under your current work term and employer) -> Learning Objectives.
Make them specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (SMART). Review your objectives frequently with your supervisor.
DUE: No later than the last day of the first month for each 4-month work term
7. Work Term Check-in
The Work Term Check-in is an integral component of your co-op experience, providing an opportunity to reflect on your learnings and address any concerns. We want to ensure you are enjoying your experience and that you, and the employer, get the most out of your time there.
You will be contacted by the Co-op Office before the mid-point of every 4-month work term with instructions regarding your Work Term Check-in. Continue to check your primary email account for Co-op messages. Ensure your supervisor’s contact details are up to date in your current work term record in PD Portal. All Work Term Check-ins are currently being conducted virtually via phone/video call or via eCheck-in.
Refer to the Work Term Check-in information page for more information.
- Assess how the work term is progressing from both your perspective and your supervisors, and to ensure it is mutually beneficial for both parties
- Review your learning objectives and discuss work performance and progress
- Ensure your supervisor is satisfied with your performance and progress, and address any issues that may arise
- Review the work term requirements that are necessary to successfully pass the work term, including (1) work term assignment; (2) online employer and student evaluation forms and (3) a discussion of your career progression and next steps within the Co-op Program
8. Work Term Assignments
One work term assignment is due for each 4-month work term and the type of assignment and due date depends on which term you are completing. Please read the requirements below carefully and thoroughly. Contact a Co-op Career Advisor if you have any questions.
All assignment information, guidelines and submissions are in Canvas.
Winter 2025: March 16, 2025
Course | Assignment |
APSC 110/DES 341 | Experiential assignment Students on their first work term are to submit an Experiential Assignment. The assignment allows you to reflect on your first co-op work experience, the skills you have gained, and the skills that you need to develop for success in future work terms. |
APSC 210/DES 442 | Advanced LinkedIn Profile OR Information Interview Students on their second work term assignment, are to produce an advanced LinkedIn Profile OR Informational Interview in order to understand the importance of a professional network and learn how to grow it. |
APSC 310 | Technical Report OR Technical Memo OR Technical Presentation For Engineering students on their third work term are to produce a Technical Report OR Technical Memo OR Technical Presentation to practice one of three formal modes of communicating results of professional engineering work. |
APSC 410/DES 444 | Career Planning Assignment Students are to produce a Career Planning Assignment as a way to self-reflect on your work term experiences and where they will lead you in the future. |
APSC 411/DES 443 | Newsletter Article For Engineering students on their 5th work term, and BDes students on their 3rd work term, you are to produce a Newsletter Article as a way to self-reflect on your work term experiences and where they will lead you in the future. |
APSC 412 | For Engineering students on their 6th work term, or later and BDes Students on their 5th work term or later work term can select which assignment they would like to complete. You must complete the APSC 412 Quiz in Canvas in order to select your assignment prior to the deadline. Once complete, you will be added to the appropriate assignment in Canvas to complete by its respective deadline. |
9. End of Term Evaluation
Two evaluations are required for each 4-month work term: a student evaluation of the work term and an employer evaluation of the student’s performance. To receive a Passing grade for the co-op course, students must complete a work term assignment that receives a passing grade and have a satisfactory employer evaluation.
STUDENT EVALUATION: During the last two weeks of your work term, log into PD Portal to provide feedback for the work term through the student evaluation found in the work term record.
EMPLOYER EVALUATION OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE: The individual listed as “Supervisor” on your work term record will receive an email prompting them to complete the online employer evaluation of student performance. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the employer evaluation of student performance is completed BEFORE the end of each 4-month work term. If the employer cannot access the online evaluation, please contact your Co-op Career Advisor.