Master of Engineering Okanagan Internship

Frequently Asked Questions

Program Details and Requirements

The internship stream is an optional program available for students in the MEng program. This stream begins with 12 months (3 academic terms) of coursework where you will complete all your credit requirements for your master's degree. Following your academic terms, you will then participate in an internship for 4, 8, or 12 months depending on the length of internship that you secure. The internship is facilitated by the UBC Applied Science Co-op Program, and all students will be automatically invited to opt in and learn more about the internship stream during their first term of MEng studies. If you opt into the internship stream, you are required to adhere to the Terms and Conditions of the Internship Program, attend all mandatory events, and complete all mandatory tasks for the program. Your job search for your internship will begin 4-6 months prior to the start of your internship in September.

Yes. International students can participate in the internship stream but are required to apply for a co-op or intern work permit (in addition to holding a valid study permit) to legally work in Canada on a UBC-approved internship. Students can only apply for a co-op work permit after they have arrived in Canada and have commenced their academic studies. After joining the Internship Stream, the UBC Applied Science Co-op Program will provide you with a letter for your co-op work permit application that confirms the internship is a requirement for your Master of Engineering degree. If you have questions about work permits or study visas, please contact the International Student Advising team in the Global Engagement Office at

There are two types of fees associated with participation in the internship stream:
- Co-op administration and workshop fee - The co-op administration and workshop fee is a one-time, non-refundable payment of $277.25 that is paid upon entry into the internship program, prior to the pre-employment training workshops held during the mid-term break in Winter Session Term 2. Payment is made directly to the UBC Applied Science Co-op Office. Instructions on how to pay this fee will be provided by the Co-op Office.
- Co-op course fee – The co-op course fee is $854.75 which is assessed only once you have secured an internship and are registered in the internship course by the Co-op Office. The co-op fee is required for every four months of your internship (ex. if you secure an 8-month internship, you will be charged the co-op fee twice over this time). The fee is due by the due dates specified in the UBC Okanagan Academic Calendar, whether the internship position is secured through the Co-op Program or through your own self-directed job search. The co-op course fee is paid directly via Workday like any other tuition fee payment. As you have paid the minimum three instalments for your Master of Engineering degree program, the only fee you will be required to pay is the Co-op fee and your regular UBC student fees (ex. Athletics and Recreation Fee, Students’ Union Membership, Health & Dental, etc.).

Students who choose to participate in the internship stream are required to:
- Attend a mandatory internship information session
- Pay a one-time, non-refundable Co-op administration and workshop fee when directed by the co-op program
- Attend the mandatory pre-employment workshop
- Attend a mandatory “Transition to the Workplace” workshop, if you have secured a position
- Agree to adhere to the Terms and Conditions of the internship stream
- Complete all the academic requirements of their degree program before the start of the internship in September, unless discussed and approved by a Co-op Career Advisor
- Complete their entire MEng degree within 2 years (including the internship)
Failure to complete any of the mandatory tasks or attend any mandatory events will result in removal from the internship stream.

The pre-employment workshop helps students to write effective cover letters and resumes, improve interviewing skills, understand the purpose of networking, review internship resources and processes, and more. This workshop is important and critical to your success in securing an internship. This takes place during the Winter Term 2 midterm break, and students must participate to proceed in the internship stream. Students who do not complete the workshops are ineligible to proceed in the internship stream.

Finding an Internship

Securing a job is a competitive process and is not guaranteed; therefore, it is up to you to put in the effort and prioritize your job search. It is ultimately your responsibility to secure an internship opportunity. You will have access to the Co-op Program’s exclusive co-op job portal and the resources provided by the Co-op team. You should also be engaging in a self-directed job search utilizing your network (i.e., friends, professors, industry connections, etc.) and other resources (company websites, LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.) to find opportunities suited to you. Any position that meets the program requirements can be used for the internship, regardless if the position is secured through the Co-op Program or through your own self-directed job search. The Co-op team will work with you and support you in your job search with pre-employment workshops, networking events, an application review, a mock interview, and weekly group job search advising sessions.

You should start searching for your internship approximately 4-5 months in advance the start of the internship term in September, after you have completed the mandatory pre-employment training workshop.

No. Securing a job is a competitive process and is not guaranteed. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to secure an internship so you must put effort into your job search and applications. Internship students have access to the program’s exclusive co-op job portal and resources provided by the Co-op team. The more positions applied to (with a high-quality application), the higher the chance you have of securing a job.

The Applied Science Co-op Program is connected with hundreds of employers offering exciting opportunities for students to make meaningful industry connections, gain practical experience, and develop new skills.

Some of our top employers include: ATCO, Ballard Power Systems, BC Hydro, Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL), the City of Edmonton, City of Richmond, City of Vancouver, Dometic, Dow Chemical, Dragados Canada, EllisDon, Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers, John Deere, Kadant Canada, Kal Tire, Kardium, Ledcor, Metro Vancouver, Microchip, National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, Pomerleau, Sync Robotics, Teck Resources, Tesla, TyCrop Manufacturing, and WSP.

It is important to note that any employer can be an internship employer provided they can provide you with a work experience that meets UBC internship criteria.

For an internship to be approved by UBC, it must be:
- Paid (at least minimum wage)
- Full-time employment (normally, 35-40 hours per week) that is a minimum of 12 weeks (420 hours) in length and falls within the regular academic term (e.g., September-December, January-April, May-August)
- Technical and related to your academic program and/or long-term career objectives
- Supervised by an engineer, engineer-in-training (EIT) or other technical staff who provides regular supervision and feedback, and who can complete the end-of-term performance evaluation
- Completed in a low-risk destination. If the position is located outside of Canada, the country where the position is based must be a low-risk destination per Global Affairs Canada’s travel advisories. Low-risk destinations are those with an advisory that says travelers should practice normal or increased security precautions.

No. The employer is free to use any job title they want, which may or may not include “intern”, “co-op”, or “student”. As long as the position satisfies the requirements above, you can count it as an internship work term.

No. Internship opportunities are available across numerous industries, organizations, and geographic locations. Many internship opportunities are in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario, but there are opportunities available all across Canada, in the United States of America, and around the world*. Students can seek out opportunities in any geographic region of interest but should not be too restrictive to increase success in securing a position.
* Only international activities in low-risk destinations are permitted. Low-risk destinations are those with an advisory that says travelers should practice normal or increased security precautions. UBC uses Global Affairs Canada’s travel advisories to assess the risk level of a destination.

Your chances of securing an internship are extremely good. As of April 2024, three cohorts of MEng students have participated in an internship job search and the success rate for each cohort based on their MEng program start date is as follows:

Program Start Seeking Students Employed Students Employment Rate
September 2020 14 14 100%
September 2021 59 57 97%
September 2022 78 75 96%

The last day you can secure an internship is the add/drop date for Winter Session Term 1 for your given year, as per the UBC Okanagan Academic Calendar found here:

If you are unable to secure an internship, you will apply to graduate with your Master of Engineering degree and start your new graduate job search.

After completing the pre-employment training workshop, each MEng internship student will receive one resume and cover letter review, and one mock interview when they receive an interview invitation from an employer. Students will have access to the PD Portal Job Board to help find opportunities to apply to . Students are also welcome to attend weekly one-hour job search advising sessions facilitated by a Co-op Career Advisor and Industry Partner who can answer questions you have about your job search and provide advice on job search strategies.

Yes. Once you are enrolled in the Internship stream and registered in PD Portal, transcripts are available by navigating to PD Portal > Documents > Co-op Documents > Transcripts. A Student Summary Sheet template can also be found in PD Portal under CO-OP > Resources.

If you receive an internship offer of employment, please reach out to a Co-op Career Advisor & Industry Partner so they can review the terms of your offer and discuss with you the opportunity you have been offered, prior to accepting or declining the offer of employment.

You have two business days (unless otherwise stated) to inform the employer (or a Co-op Career Advisor & Industry Partner if the offer was extended to you via the co-op program) whether you want to accept or decline their offer of employment (either presented verbally or in writing).

Yes, a verbal or email offer is legally binding when accepted by the applicant, even if you do not yet have the full offer or employment contract document. Once an offer is verbally accepted, the employer will issue the written offer. An accepted verbal offer is no different than a signed written offer and it is common for employers to provide written offers only after acceptance of the verbal offer.

No. Once you have accepted a position, even verbally, you must remove yourself from the job search, decline future job interviews, and cancel any booked interviews. The first job offer you accept (verbally, via email or a signed document) is the position you are committed to, and you will commence work with that employer at the start of the internship period. Failure to abide by this policy will result in removal from the internship stream.

No. You may only work for one employer for the duration of your internship. Extensions with the same company are permitted (up to a total of 12 months worked at the company), but you will not be permitted to work under your co-op work permit for another company.

During the Internship

Internship students cannot register themselves in the co-op work term course(s). Once your internship has been approved, the co-op office will automatically register you in the appropriate co-op work term course(s). The internship courses are APSC 510, APSC 511, and APSC 512. You will be registered in APSC 510 for the first four months of your internship, APSC 511 for the second four months of your internship (if applicable), and APSC 512 for the third four months of your internship (if applicable).

No. During your internship, your main priority should be your work for your employer, and you are not permitted to take courses while you are working.

Yes. Internship students must complete one assignment for every four-month term of their employment contract. At the start of each work term, students will be registered in a Canvas course where the assignment details will be posted and where students will submit their assignments by the posted deadline for grading. Students must satisfactorily complete their assignment to pass the co-op work term course.

During each four-month co-op work term, you will be required to participate in a work term check-in between you, a Co-op Career Advisor and Industry Partner, and your supervisor in the workplace. These work term check-ins take place approximately halfway through each four-month work term and will be conducted via an in-person meeting, an online (Zoom/Teams) meeting, a phone call or an electronic form. The co-op office will contact you approximately two months into your work term with details regarding the scheduling and mode of your work term check-in.

These work term check-ins provide an opportunity for a Co-op Career Advisor to speak with you and your supervisor to review and discuss your job responsibilities, learning and progress to date, work term and future goals, and any concerns you may have regarding your experience.

If you any concerns at all regarding your experience in the workplace, immediately contact a Co-op Career Advisor and Industry Partner for assistance.

Completion of the Program

You will apply for completion and graduation during the final term of your internship. Please refer to the College of Graduate Studies Program Completion and Graduation webpage for the graduation application deadlines.

Once you have completed all your MEng course requirements and fulfilled the terms of your internship employment agreement, you must:
1. Submit a MEng Program Completion Application
2. Apply to graduate through Workday
3. Ensure your last day of internship employment is no later than the 30th day of the last month of the academic term (i.e., April 30, August 30, December 30) to ensure your internship grade is entered by the College of Graduate Studies Program Completion Deadlines.

No. Students cannot end their internship early to commence a full-time permanent position. Once a student has accepted an approved internship opportunity, this internship automatically becomes a mandatory part of the MEng degree program, meaning students must complete the terms of their internship employment agreement for program completion.


No. This program has been designed specifically for you to start your internship in September when the job search is less competitive, and you have completed your academic degree requirements. As this internship is at the end of your degree, employers may hire you for permanent, full-time positions upon completion of your internship, if mutually agreed upon. You must pay a minimum of 3 instalments for the academic terms of your MEng degree, as described in the UBCO Academic Calendar. Your internship does not count towards these 3 instalments.

No. The co-op course credits are non-additive and do not count towards your degree coursework requirements. These courses are graded as Pass or Fail which will appear on your transcript but will not contribute to your cumulative average. If successful in securing an internship, you will be considered a full-time student throughout the duration of your internship.

All internship positions must be paid and meet the minimum wage requirements for the jurisdiction where the position is based. In British Columbia, the minimum wage is $17.40 (as of June 1, 2024). Unpaid work or work not meeting minimum wage requirements will not be eligible for the internship.

Most internship students earn more than the British Columbia or other provincial/territorial minimum wage. Please refer to the UBC Applied Science Co-op Program’s website for details on the typical salaries co-op students earn while on a work term.

If the answer to your question is not found in these frequently asked questions, please contact the UBC Applied Science Co-op Program at