Job Posting Contact Information Please enter the name and information for the point of contact for this job posting. This information will not appear on the job posting. Only your company name, division name, and job location will appear.
Length of Work Term* The length of each co-op work term is approximately equal to the length of each study term at UBC, which is four months. Co-op accreditation criteria require work terms to be at least 12 weeks in length.
4 months 8 months 12 months 16 months 4 or 8 months 4, 8 or 12 months 4, 8 12 or 16 months 8 or 12 months 8, 12 or 16 months 12 or 16 months
Job requirements and qualifications* Be sure to include any special job requirements in your job posting (e.g., BC Class 5 driver’s license, fully vaccinated against COVID-19, access to a personal vehicle, etc.)